About Me
Learning A Different Language

I have always been someone who really loves to get out and explore the world, but a few years ago, I realized that there were some big gaps in my understanding of people around the world. I started thinking more and more about what I could do to understand their ways, and it occurred to me that I needed to start learning a different language. I spent quite a bit of time working on the process, and before I knew it, I was speaking another language better than I ever could have expected. Check out this blog to learn more about learning a different language.


Strategies For Creating A Natural Maya Yucateco Translation

28 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The Maya Yucateco language is spoken by over 800,000 people today and has several movie and book translations geared toward these speakers. Those who want to reach this diverse audience with new material would do well to keep these strategies in mind for creating a natural-sounding Maya Yucateco language translation. Choose Translators Carefully Arguably the most important aspect of creating a natural translation into any language is to choose translators who know the target language well. Read More …